I'm running the 0.5.1 tools in ArcGIS Pro 2.8.3 and get an error when I try to run the Prepare Time Lapse python script. Here is the command line version of what failed:
arcpy.TransitNetworkAnalysisTools.PrepareTimeLapsePolygons("Origins_rand", r"E:\Work\GIS_DB\ArcGIS\Network Analyst\MDC_TPO\MDC_6\MDC_6.gdb\Origins_rand_PrepareTimeLapsePolygons", "TransitNetwork_ND", "Public transit time", [20], "Minutes", "Wednesday", "08:00", "Wednesday", "09:00", 5, "Away From Facilities", "Disks", "Overlap", 4, None, True)
Origins_rand is a point layer in the MDC_6.gdb. I've also tried it with the Origins layer inside of another feature dataset in the gdb.
Separately I can run Route and Service Area Network Analysis on my TransitNetwork_ND there are multiple travel modes in this Network Dataset and Public transit time.
I'm attaching the warning messages.