Hi, I'm getting the following error which has not been mentioned by previous posts. I guess this error may be not related to the tool itself but instead it may be an error related to some environmental setting. Can you guys help? Many thanks!
Executing: GenerateTransitLinesAndStops 'C:\Users\Junhui Yang\Dropbox\research\project\syp\data\gtfs\2013_12_20' "C:\Users\Junhui Yang\Dropbox\research\project\syp\syp.gdb\TransitNetwork"
Start Time: Tue Jun 8 19:13:10 2021
Running script GenerateTransitLinesAndStops...
SQLizing the GTFS data...
Generating transit stops feature class.
Failed to generate transit lines and stops.
Failed script GenerateTransitLinesAndStops...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Junhui Yang\Dropbox\research\project\syp\data\gtfs\GTFSArcGISWorkshopMaterials\Tools\AddGTFStoaNetworkDataset_0_5_4_0\scripts\GenerateStopPairs.py", line 220, in <module>
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outFD, outStopsFCName, "POINT", "", "", "", outFD_SR)
File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.6\arcpy\arcpy\management.py", line 2012, in CreateFeatureclass
raise e
ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (CreateFeatureclass).
Failed to execute (GenerateTransitLinesAndStops).
Failed at Tue Jun 8 19:14:53 2021 (Elapsed Time: 1 minutes 43 seconds)
Solved! Go to Solution.
The Add GTFS To A Network Dataset tool has been deprecated for several years now, so I cannot provide extensive help and will not be making any further code changes. However, it looks like you're using a version of the tool that was included in the 2017 GIS in Transit pre-conference workshop, which is not the latest version of the tool. You can download the latest here and see if it fixes the problem: https://arcg.is/10jXez
However, I recommend instead that you switch to ArcGIS Pro and use the tools included there in the core product. You do not need to download and install anything extra, and the tools there are more thoroughly tested, documented, and supported.
Here is a tutorial that explains how to get started with public transit network analysis in ArcGIS Pro: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/analysis/networks/create-and-use-a-network-dataset-wit...
I hope to create an updated set of tutorial videos similar to the ones I have for that 2017 workshop because those are very outdated at this point. It's on my list of things to do this year.
The Add GTFS To A Network Dataset tool has been deprecated for several years now, so I cannot provide extensive help and will not be making any further code changes. However, it looks like you're using a version of the tool that was included in the 2017 GIS in Transit pre-conference workshop, which is not the latest version of the tool. You can download the latest here and see if it fixes the problem: https://arcg.is/10jXez
However, I recommend instead that you switch to ArcGIS Pro and use the tools included there in the core product. You do not need to download and install anything extra, and the tools there are more thoroughly tested, documented, and supported.
Here is a tutorial that explains how to get started with public transit network analysis in ArcGIS Pro: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/analysis/networks/create-and-use-a-network-dataset-wit...
I hope to create an updated set of tutorial videos similar to the ones I have for that 2017 workshop because those are very outdated at this point. It's on my list of things to do this year.
Hi Melinda, I have downloaded ArcGIS Pro and gone through the tutorial. Everything was fine. Thanks!