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Search Editor Update

08-25-2013 03:38 PM
Regular Contributor
I have posted an update to the Search Editor that relates to the last MapSAR update version 10.1.6.
Here is a list of changes I made.
1. Went to the traditional version number scheme. This version is number .5
2. Incidents Form/Table - Added entries for Logo Location, Map Unit, and Magnetic Declination fields.
3. Assignments Form/Table - Added entries for new fields Transportation, Personal_Equipment, Team_Equipment,
Comm_Instructions, DeBriefLocation, UTM_Start_E, and UTM_Start_N.
4. Team Members Form/Table - Added entry fields for new fields Role and isLeader. The Role field is a 25 character text field
and isLeader is an integer field.

Things to do...
Have the forms zoom to selected feature.

Please test this and let me know of any errors you get with as much information as possible.

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1 Reply
New Contributor

New to MAPSAR but we are loving it.  Can't wait to actually use it on an OP instead of "that other" software 🙂 <- being a little PC there

Thanks so much for this add on.  It will make training some of our less computer savy members so much easier.  One coding error that I found:

When editing operational periods there is an error message after clicking on ADD, it will still add the message, but the editor will not refresh and you have to close the application and re-open it to see the new period.

I attached a screen capture.

Thanks Again.

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