FCC - Indoor Location Accuracy Benchmarks
The April 3, 2020 Nationwide Benchmark is almost due.
The April 3, 2018 benchmark included a barometric pressure requirement too.
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
"(A) Within 3 years: All CMRS providers shall make uncompensated barometric data available to PSAPs with respect to any 911 call placed from any handset that has the capability to deliver barometric sensor information."
I'm no longer in the 9-1-1 business, but as I've always said, you take the kid out of the dispatch center, but you can't take the dispatch center out of the kid...
A couple of questions and they may be just because I've lost track of the new regs:
1. If I read the Indoor Accuracy statements correctly, (and please correct me if I'm way off base) they state a 50 meter positional accuracy is required. In my head I picture a 13 year old kid hiding in a closet while his mother's boy friend is assaulting the mother. The event is taking place in an apartment and the kid calls 9-1-1; It seems like a fifty meter window to locate that kid (and his mom) is pretty big.
2. What is the purpose of transmitting barometric pressure? Is it a surrogate for elevation?
great point in the last slide: "This is a floor, not a ceiling"