Parcel Fabric destroys linework

09-22-2017 08:38 AM
Regular Contributor

This happens to me occasionally and often I can rejoin something to fix it but not this time.  I have even tried completely redrawing the parcels in question with no luck.  In the images below, every parcel fabric layer is turned on including points and line points. This photo is the parcel line work prior to joining.Parcels before Join
Here is how it looks after it has been joined.parcel linework warping after the join

At this point I have tried several different ways to repair this bizarre issue.  Hopign someone has some brilliant idea.

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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor

HI Diane,

One thing I have tried with some success would be to select the warped parcel then attempting a "Regenerate Fabric" on it.

If the Regen Fabric fails another thing to check is what does the line work look like outside of the fabric? My of the top of my head guess would be that there is an issue with the bearing and/or radius of the upper curves.



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In my experience, I don't know if there's any way to say 'this is how you fix this.'  I sometimes get weird lines but when I open the parcel it looks fine like above.

I would recommend several things.  Delete any tax parcels, easements, and bring the line work in question down to one layer, like lots.  Make sure there's nothing historical behind the work too. Try to reconstruct from parent each of the parcels and delete the old parcels.  If you have a right of way parcel, you may want to construct from parent on that too.  Unjoin/rejoin each parcel individually (redoing the join links) and see if that fixes things.  I try to avoid rejoining parcels as a group.

Sometimes I've noticed erroneous dimensions in lines that may cause issues.  Ultimately, you'll need to try different processes to try and fix this.

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Yes, I've seen this. I know you say all layers are turned on. It's kind of hard to tell what's going on without seeing what was there before you started joining, but are there historic parcels in the area? Is this new subdivision/cut up? Or are you repairing something migrated from a previous system? It also looks like you're using "Fabric points held fixed" in the join dialog box. I don't see the larger orange rotation pivot. I see a control corner at top right. Would "Joining points held fixed" solve it?
Even then I wouldn't be surprised to see it still looking wacky. I've never had the means to properly diagnose this when it happens, but I suspect the fact there are 8 hops between my PC and the server may have something to do with it. At any rate, I've had occasional success by opening the offending parcel, clicking a couple random boxes in the parcel details box (distance, bearing, category- doesn't matter) until the green check lights up and then checking it right back in. A faux "edit", if you will.

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I just realized I forgot to respond to this post.  I was able to solve the problem by modifying my historic parcels layer query from

("SystemEndDate" IS NOT NULL ) AND ("Type" = 7 OR "Type" =9 OR "Type" =6)


("SystemEndDate" IS NOT NULL )

There was so much garbage historic polygons that existed in my fabric I was shocked.  Sure enough there was a sliver from two subdivisions in the area I was working.  Once I removed the sliver, I was able to properly join the area.  I strongly recommend anyone working in the fabric modify the Definition Query to review what else may have ended up in the historic bucket.  I cleaned out all the historics that were unneeded throughout the Count and keep the definition  at the ("SystemEndDate" IS NOT NULL )

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Occasional Contributor

Ah, glad you've found a solution. It took me awhile to realize historical parcels were still attached to the current fabric.
That, and that Parcel Remainder and Merge leave history whether you want it or not. I've never changed that query and have learned to clean up my historic parcels as I go.

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Yes I clean up historical parcels as I go as well. Unfortunately, there were many historical parcels that I didn't see until I changed the query.