I used a function to do something like this and it should be adaptable for what you are needing. I had a table with mixed upper and lower cases no's and Nones, that I all wanted "No". Also replaced all "yes" with "Yes". The function allows you to use loops and other python tools, instead of a single line of code.
If you know all the exact strings you need replaced, you can put them in lists, otherwise wildcards could be used.
Python Parser, click Show Code Block
Pre-Logic Script Code
def Rename(field):
type1_replace = [ "no" , "None"]
type2_replace = "yes"
for n in type1_replace:
field = field.replace(n , "No")
field = field.replace(type2_replace , "Yes")
return field
New Field = Rename(!YourFieldHere!)
Edit: Ah heck, I'll post a relevant to you example.
def Rename(field):
type1_replace = ["california" , "CA" , "cal" ]
type2_replace = [ "florida" , "FL" , "fl"]
for n in type1_replace:
field = field.replace(n , "California")
for n2 in type2_replace:
field = field.replace(n2 , "Florida")
return field