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Proceedings of the 2014 Esri Ocean GIS Forum

03-25-2015 05:58 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
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Proceedings and videos of the 2014 Esri Ocean GIS Forum are available at: and

In addition to the excellent papers, maps, apps, and lightning talks presented by over 100 users, the Forum featured:

  • the exciting announcement of the integration of ArcGIS with SciPy, a Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering
  • the growing world of Ocean Content (Ocean and Arctic Ocean Basemap)
  • demos of the latest Esri offerings in multi-dimensional visualization and analysis
  • bring science into maritime operations, including Common Operating Picture templates for offshore energy, ports, and defense applications

The Forum also witnessed the start of the Ocean GIS GeoNet community. This is one great way that YOU can speak to us and to each other. Please feel free to join this community now. All you need is your existing Esri Global Account or you can easily create one (free of charge, no sharing to 3rd parties). Please check it out! We look forward to seeing you on GeoNet. Point your browser to and look to the upper right to join.

The 2013 Esri Ocean GIS Forum proceedings are also still available at And stay tuned for the imminent release of the peer-reviewed research monograph Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions which is based on those 2013 proceedings and in final preparation by Esri Press. It will be out before the 2015 Esri User Conference.

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About the Author
Dawn was appointed Chief Scientist of Esri in October 2011 after 17 years as a professor of geography and oceanography at Oregon State University. As Esri Chief Scientist, she reports directly to Esri CEO Jack Dangermond with a mission to strengthen the scientific foundation for Esri software and services, while representing Esri to the national and international scientific community. Dawn maintains an affiliated faculty appointment as Professor of Geography and Oceanography at Oregon State. Follow her on Twitter @deepseadawn. More info. also at and