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NZ Rapid Building Assessment

06-16-2017 05:03 PM
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If you are a GIS Specialist supporting authorised civil defence emergency management officials or structural engineers, this XLSForm will help them quickly evaluate building safety after an event such as a major earthquake or flood. 

This is different from the Urban Search and Rescue and Welfare Assessment - it is the official building placard system (red, yellow, white) for New Zealand.


The form is a digital version of the Rapid Assessment Forms which are provided by Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, and is designed to be deployed with Survey123 for ArcGIS. You can augment the form with your own questions, and extend it with the additional capabilities of Survey123.



  1. Download the Survey123 application by visiting
  2. Download Survey123 for ArcGIS Connect to deploy your Survey.
  3. Download Survey123 for ArcGIS mobile applications for your users to fill out the survey. 
  4. See this tutorial for more information: Deploy the Earthquake Rapid Assessment Form with Survey123

Please post comments here for feedback or suggestions for improvements to this template. For more information on the NZ Building Assessment process, see the MBIE Website.

About the Author
New to New Zealand but not to maps. GIS Consultant with Eagle Technology, Wellington Office. Background in GIS for public safety, government, and natural resource management. Passionate about the use of GIS for Search and Rescue.