I try to build a map for our annual conference, any idea how to build that map?
Hey Steve, what does this annual conference encompass? This will help the GIS community give you ideas on how to build the map.
Hey Eric, this conference will talk about international economic and US economic. This is my first time use GIS to help our conference. By the way, thanks for your quick reply.
Are you looking for the data to add to arcgis?
Not, really. I am looking for some idea and suggestions. Thanks.
I would look at how you want to display this information. Like what Darren Wiens said.
This is an extremely open-ended question. I assume this map is focused on the geography of the conference itself (e.g. venues, rooms, activity locations, etc.), not conference participants or conference topic content. Do you want it to be interactive or static? Perhaps a standalone JS API web map is sufficient. Maybe you should check out story maps. Do you want to enable time (see who is speaking where and when)?
There are lots of options, you just need to really think about what you want. Then, return with specific questions.
Yes, I want to drop a map for attendees, they can see where is the section and who is speaking. I would like to add speakers photos when attendees click the section.
I would create a layer for each location someone is speaking. Then you can add information about who is speaking and attach a photo.
There are many ways push this out to your users.