I have recently begun trying to port an existing UWP application that uses the Xaml.Controls.Maps with Bing maps, over to the ArcGISRuntime.Mapping MapView.
I previously had a MapControl with a MapItemsControl that contained a data template that bound to a collection of images. The images' coordinates were updated at some nominal rate, and were moved around the map. To do this, the <Image /> inside the overlay bound a coordinate to the mapcontrol
maps:MapControl.Location="{x:Bind Location, Mode=OneWay}"
.In arcgis this doesnt seem possible Much of the Xaml.UI.Controls.Image that is available when inside a mapcontrol item template is gone when switching to an ArcGIS OverlayItemsControl item template. Is it possible to dynamically move an image or the contents of the MapView Overlay?