Howdy folks! I have been asked to create an app that can run offline for emergency services. I initially went to Vector Tiles packaged as a basemap and rendered in a .NET Runtime app. The rendering was adequate and performance was more than amazing. Then I got crazy and started looking into using a scene so I could show a driver a view of what they are driving toward like other standard navigation software. This led to my problem: I cannot get the vector tiles to display in a scene. I have used a Mobile Map Package just to see if I am looking at the right spot on the globe and have verified that the .mmpk shows up fine but the same .vtpk that works in a 2D map does not show in a 3D scene.
I'd love any tidbits of info you may have. I cannot include my .vtpk because it is not my data to give out. But it is in WGS84 and is made from the same map as the .mmpk.
Vector tile layers are not currently supported in the SceneView.
Doh! Thanks Morten. I tried finding that in the documentation. Is it in there somewhere and I missed it?