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Unable to drag or move sketched polygon

07-19-2022 12:59 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am using ArcGIS Runtime API for .Net WPF version 100.13. I am building on the "Sketch a map" example found in this link It works fine for drawing graphics (except no callouts). And I can "move" selected points by clicking on a new location. But I can't drag polygons. When a polygon gets selected, the vertices get highlighted and one vertex gets selected and can be dragged. But I want to move the entire polygon. I tried modifying the SketchEditorConfiguration as shown below but don't end up with any way to drag the selected polygon


MyMapView.InteractionOptions.IsPanEnabled = false;
SketchEditConfiguration sec = new SketchEditConfiguration();
sec.AllowMove = true;
sec.AllowVertexEditing = false;
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.Geometry newGeometry = await MyMapView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(editGraphic.Geometry, SketchCreationMode.Polygon, sec);
MyMapView.InteractionOptions.IsPanEnabled = true;

I checked the following links but they didn't help

Can't move a rectangle just created - Esri Community

The following link works for a point, but not a polygon

Solved: Re: Workflow suggestions for moving a Graphic? - Esri Community


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Emerging Contributor

I know its a bit old
but i had the same problem
but your Geometry spatial reference should be the same as the map

i hope it helps

var editedGeom = await mapView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(GeometryEngine.Project(geom, map.SpatialReference));


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