While the ArcGIS World Topographic Map (raster) has contours, the Vector World Topographic Map does not.
Contours seem like a good use case for Vector Tiles, but they are not there.
What is intended if you want to show contours with it? Is there another source for them.
If I were to somehow make my own vector tiles for contours or get them somewhere, I am not sure I could use them because ArcGISVectorTiledLayer appears to only allow ESRI sources - Uri or VectorTileCache.
I'm in a field where my customer base expects to see contours on a topographic map. Otherwise, it is a street map, not a topographic map.
Hi Nathan,
In ESRI Topographic Vector basemap, I am able to see the contours just like the raster basemap. Here is the link and the screenshot:
Topo Vector Basemap
List of all vector base maps
: https://www.arcgis.com/home/group.html?id=30de8da907d240a0bccd5ad3ff25ef4a&start=21&q=
Hope that helps. Thanks
I appreciate the insight, but the vector topographic map does not contain contours.
The web map you reference contains the *raster* topographic map AND the vector topographic map.
The contours are definitely in the raster part.
On that page, push the basemap button and change the basemap to "Light Gray Canvas".
The contours will disappear.
Hi Nathan,
I see what you mean, thanks for the clarification.
Given that, what are the best options for contours if using vector topographic map?
Whether the ArcGIS online service should contain contours or not I think is a question for the AGO team.
Wrt to using your own data you can totally do this. You can either author a Vector Tile Pacage (.vtpk) file in ArcGIS Pro, or publish your own vector tile services to either your own ArcGIS Server or to ArcGIS Online.