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SQLite error when trying to get attachments on one service

08-01-2023 01:41 AM
Labels (3)
New Contributor


I am using the GetAttachmentsAsyncfunction on my services like that :

 IReadOnlyList<Attachment> attachments = await feature.GetAttachmentsAsync();


For most of them it works fine but for one service I am getting this error  : "Esri.ArcGISRuntimeException : 'SQLite contraint violation: SQLite: 19 Abort due to constraint violation".

The service is working when I am getting the attachments directly via the REST API adress. There is no error on the arcgis server logs. We have restart the service and it changes nothing.

The application is using :

  • .NET 6.0.0
  • arcgis runtime 100.12.0

Do you have any idea where this error come from and how to solve it ?

Thank you


1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Are you able to reproduce the issue with v100.15? (even if just for a local quick test)

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