In attached file send you video where is present situation which is NOT OK.I would like:
How to setting Sketch Editor class?
I am using ArcGIS Runtime 100.5.
Best Regard
Hi Kiro, thank you for reaching out! For #1, you want to disable the RequireSelectionBeforeDrag option in the SketchEditConfiguration.
// Create a configuration for the sketch editor
SketchEditConfiguration configuration = new SketchEditConfiguration();
configuration.RequireSelectionBeforeDrag = false;
configuration.VertexEditMode = SketchVertexEditMode.InteractionEdit;
// Start the SketchEditor using your configuration.
var geometry = await MyMapView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(SketchCreationMode.Polygon, configuration);
For #3, SketchEditor does not currently have a configuration for editing polygons without adding/removing vertices. However, there is a workaround for your case.
You can add an event handler to the SketchEditor for when geometry is changed.
MyMapView.SketchEditor.GeometryChanged += Sketch_Geometry_Changed;
private void Sketch_Geometry_Changed(object sender, GeometryChangedEventArgs e)
if(e.OldGeometry != null && e.OldGeometry.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon)
// Count the number of points before and after the geometry was changed.
int oldPoints = (e.OldGeometry as Polygon).Parts.Sum(part => part.PointCount);
int newPoints = (e.NewGeometry as Polygon).Parts.Sum(part => part.PointCount);
if(newPoints != oldPoints)
// Replace the geometry beind edited with the polygon from before the change.
If you need to add points to polygons later, just remove the event handler.
MyMapView.SketchEditor.GeometryChanged -= Sketch_Geometry_Changed;
Hopefully this helps,
Dear Zack Allen,
The example is of great help. But i have and another problem.
My function SketchEditor_GeometryChanged is
private void SketchEditor_GeometryChanged(object sender, GeometryChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.OldGeometry != null && e.OldGeometry.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon)
// Count the number of points before and after the geometry was changed.
int oldPoints = (e.OldGeometry as Polygon).Parts.Sum(part => part.PointCount);
int newPoints = (e.NewGeometry as Polygon).Parts.Sum(part => part.PointCount);
if (newPoints == oldPoints)
if (GlobalVar.CommandBP == "attributeBuilding" || GlobalVar.CommandBP == "editbuilding" || GlobalVar.CommandBP == "holeBuilding" || GlobalVar.CommandBP == "attributeParcShape" || GlobalVar.CommandBP == "editparcel")
//Clear table
SketchEditor sketch = sender as SketchEditor;
//Update table
var coords = sketch.Geometry as Multipart;
var points = coords.Parts.First().Points;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
GlobalVar.BuildingCoordinates.Add(new CoordinateTable((i + 1).ToString(), Math.Round(points.X, 2).ToString(), Math.Round(points.Y, 2).ToString()));
coordTable.ItemsSource = GlobalVar.BuildingCoordinates;
Graphic graphic = new Graphic(sketch.Geometry);
GlobalVar.SketchGraph = sketch.Geometry.ToJson();
//Update graphic
Sketch.Sketch sketch1 = new Sketch.Sketch(_overlay_Build_First, _overlay_Buildngs_Label, _overlay_Line_Build, _overlay_Point_Build, _overlay_Line_Build_Label, _overlay_Point_Build_Label);
if (GlobalVar.CommandBP == "divbuild" || GlobalVar.CommandBP == "divparcel")
SketchEditor sketch = sender as SketchEditor;
//Update table
var coords = sketch.Geometry as Multipart;
var points = coords.Parts.First().Points;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
GlobalVar.BuildingCoordinates.Add(new CoordinateTable((i + 1).ToString(), Math.Round(points.X, 2).ToString(), Math.Round(points.Y, 2).ToString()));
coordTable.ItemsSource = GlobalVar.BuildingCoordinates;
//Update graphic
Sketch.Sketch sketchFinish = new Sketch.Sketch(_overlay_Line_First, _overlay_Point_Build);
if oldPoints !=newPoints then execute
after that execute one more time SketchEditor_GeometryChanged and application crash.
Message is:
Source=<Cannot evaluate the exception source>
<Cannot evaluate the exception stack trace>
SketchEditor_GeometryChanged i call into Initialize() in MainWindow()
MyMapView.SketchEditor.GeometryChanged += SketchEditor_GeometryChanged;