I am trying to share a streets layer that utilizes a definition query of only the streets that have the word "AVE" in their name. However, when I share the layer as runtime content, it shares all the streets and not just the ones I identified using the SQL statement.
Are definition queries something that do not transfer in the creation of the runtime content?
Hi Jeremy,
That's been my experience so far. Unless I'm missing something, definition queries are not yet support with the creation of the runtime content. Currently I keep track of the definition queries in a configuration file and apply them during the loading of the map in the mobile application.
FeatureLayer fLayer = layer as FeatureLayer;
fLayer.DefinitionExpression = "SUBTYPECD = 2";
Seems like some extremely core functionality that they are missing here....
I'm using the 10.2.6 runtime and I generate the .geodatabase file in ArcMap 10.3.1.
Kind Regards,
Kris Foster