I'm developing mobile app and some featurelayers contains a column "SYMB_ROTATION" that represents the angle the symbol need to do.
for now I simply create a UniqueValueRenderer and apply the rotation like that:
assetRenderer.RotationExpression = $"[{rotationName}]-90";
Where rotationName is the column of the rotation value.
I also tried with the ArcadeExpression but it doesn't work
Maybe I miss something.
Does someone has a working sample of cod ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards
Try passing the exact field name in square brackets like [SYMB_ROTATION]
Hello @PreetiMaske,
thanks for your reply.
My problem is the "-90" that seems not applied...
The rotation is done, it's the expression itself that doesn't work.
Thanks .
Hello @StephM
Currently RotationExpression only accepts a fieldname or a value. It is not equipped to accept an arcade expression. I don't know your use case but an alternate is to set rotation using an arcade expression on your data (in ArcGIS Pro) and publish that data with visual variable. Visual variable on renderers are honored in runtime and you will be able to see custom expression applied on the features.
Here are some helpful resources:
Hope this helps.