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Retrieve Envelope of a saved map in ArcGIS Online

08-10-2017 02:40 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hi (Sorry for the initial french thread...i just translated so that more people can understand and answer to me)...

I am writing an app using Xamarin ArcGIS component so that I can display a saved map stored in ArcGIS Online.

This is working well...

Now the next step is to prepare the things to work offline with this map.

I found the tutorial that describes the step to work on...

In the first steps, one step consists in defining the area of interest with the following code:

Envelope areaOfInterest = GetAreaOfInterest();

GenerateOfflineMapParameters parameters =await task.CreateDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParametersAsync(areaOfInterest);

As far as I am concerning, the area of interest is just the area I defined when saving the map in ArcGIS Online. The envelope can be displayed in one of the menu of ArcGIS Online.

Now my question is: how I can retrieve this enveloppe using the SDK from the Map object I created from the url ?



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2 Replies
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If I understood correctly you would like to use the initial extent of the webmap as an offline area that you generate?

Have a look to  which takes the portal items extent and uses that as an area of interest.

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Occasional Contributor


That is a way to do the things…

In the meantime, while debugging my project, I found that the Map object that I had created from Url contains an Item property of type PortalItem that have the waited data (as in tour given reference example).

I did not had time toi update the thread…

Thanks to get read of my thread.


Information System Engineer

Port. + 33 6 15 83 03 56

De : Antti Kajanus

Envoyé : vendredi 11 août 2017 12:31

À : Eric DUCOS <>

Objet : Re: - Re: Retrieve Envelope of a saved map in ArcGIS Online

GeoNet <>

Re: Retrieve Envelope of a saved map in ArcGIS Online

reply from Antti Kajanus<> in ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET - View the full discussion<>

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