Does .NET Runtime 100 support non-geographic (without defined spatial reference) raster layers?
I tried to display an image as a base layer
MapView.Map = new Map();
MapView.Map.Basemap.BaseLayers.Add(new RasterLayer(@"D:\land.png"));
After raster layer is successfully loaded, layer has spatial reference with wkid = 0.
Also, can I set spatial reference with wkid = 0 when I initialize Map?
MapView.Map = new Map(SpatialReference.Create(0));
Thank you in advance for your help
Your raster data will need some spatial reference information: to define where it is and what reference system the coordinates are in. If your raster data does not have any geo-referencing information embedded in the file and does not have any associated geo-referencing information in external files then you can create a world file. For more info see World files for raster datasets—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
Thanks for the information.
Does it mean that only geo-referenced maps (with associated coordinate system) can be used with ArcGIS Runtime 100?