Hi Team,
I am using ArcGIS Runtime 100.14.1
I have a public ArcGIS Feature Server with Attachments enabled.
Using the rest interface I am able to add attachments to existing points.
Dummy Sample URL: https://domain.com/arcgis/rest/services/ProdFolder/DataCollect/FeatureServer/0/1/addAttachment
However in my Runtime code I am using AddAttachmentAsync with all the correct parameters.
I do not get any exceptions and the point gets added successfully.
When I check the Map in ArcGIS Online map viewer I do not see the attachments.
Is this a known issue?
Any suggestions would be very helpful.
public async void AddAttachmentImageInFeature()
var popupResult = new AddAttachmentModel { filemodelList = null, };
var result = await Navigation.ShowPopupAsync(new AddAttachmentsPopUpPage(popupResult));
if (result != null)
if (_selectedFeature.CanEditAttachments)
foreach (var item in result.filemodelList)
await _selectedFeature.AddAttachmentAsync(item.filename, item.contenttype, item.applicationData);
ServiceFeatureTable serviceTable = (ServiceFeatureTable)_selectedFeature.FeatureTable;
await serviceTable.ApplyEditsAsync();
await Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Success!", "Successfully added feature and attachment", "OK");
catch (Exception e)
// Create and remove a graphic from the geometry the user drew
if (Helpers.Constant.selectedLayer.name == "AOI Polygon" || Helpers.Constant.selectedLayer.name == "AOI Lines")
Graphic graphic = CreateGraphic(Polygonegeometry);
CompleteButton.IsVisible = false;
AddButton.IsVisible = false;
UnduButton.IsVisible = false;
IsDrawStart = false;
// Create and remove a graphic from the geometry the user drew
if (Helpers.Constant.selectedLayer.name == "AOI Polygon" || Helpers.Constant.selectedLayer.name == "AOI Lines")
Graphic graphic = CreateGraphic(Polygonegeometry);
CompleteButton.IsVisible = false;
AddButton.IsVisible = false;
UnduButton.IsVisible = false;
IsDrawStart = false;
catch (Exception exception)
await Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error adding attachment", exception.ToString(), "OK");
Best regards,
Can you share the code where you're creating/updating the feature and attachment, adding to the table, and applying the edits to the service?
@MichaelBranscomb I have updated my post with the code.
I have not been able to reproduce this, although without the full code / repro my repro would be different from your exact case.
I recommend taking a look at our sample code for EditFeatureAttachments and comparing that with your app logic.