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Opening stylx throws : Invalid or Missing densifyCurves value exception

01-24-2019 08:01 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi -

In Pro 2.2.4 I created a new stylx file which has just one symbol in it, a black dot.

With .NET sdk 100.4, I try SymbolStyle.OpenAsync for this file I get:

Invalid argument: Invalid or Missing densifyCurves value. 
Expected value is: true

Is this a bug?

If so, is there a workaround for this?

A search of the api docs for densifyCurves turns up nothing.

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET (WPF) - Search 

Thanks, Kirk

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4 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor


The stylx should be created as a mobile style in ArcGIS Pro. If not, geometries in symbols can contain curves (like in the circle from your screen shot) and that’s currently not support in ArcGIS Runtime (hence the validation error).
If you have an existing stylx that has not been created for mobile, you can copy/paste the content into a new mobile stylx and that should fix the symbols.

For more information please see Styles—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 



by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks Michael - that seems to work.

I see that pasting into a mobile stylx file vectorizes the CIMCharactermarkers into CIMVectorMarkers ...

It seems like WPF should be able to use CIMCharactermarkers ... I guess this is not the case.  

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Esri Notable Contributor

@Kirk The reason for that is that there is no guarantee the various clients that'll use the symbols have that font installed. So part of making things "mobile" is to ensure the symbols doesn't rely on specific system fonts.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Morten Nielsen‌ I noticed that the dictionary renderer sample actually uses fonts for some of its line symbols.

I can serialize, replace the font family, then reserialize and see the different font when it's rendered.

Can we count on support for fonts on linesymbols to continue?

Without the replacement, they do show as Arial see this:

Thanks, Kirk

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