i'm working with ArcGis Runtime SDK for .Net v10.2.5.
I have an UDP socket listening and waiting for image data that fires a function executed on a different thread in background.
I want to draw the image over a ellipse of arbitrary radius so i use
var filestream = System.IO.File.Open(imagepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
MapPoint point = new MapPoint(center.longitude, center.latitude, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
var polySymbol = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology.PictureFillSymbol();
await polySymbol.SetSourceAsync(filestream);
var param = new GeodesicEllipseParameters(point, 25, LinearUnits.Meters);
var ellipse = GeometryEngine.GeodesicEllipse(param);
_graphicsLayer.Graphics.Add(new Graphic { Geometry = ellipse, Symbol = polySymbol });
This is done ~5 times/second. Despite i'm clearing the layer each iteration there is a memory leak that is increasing memory use till app crashes.
I read about problems with memory using ArcGIS and Geometry process, so i'm not sure if i'm hitting a wall or just doing things badly
I also tried overwriting geometry without clear:
//this is the problematic line, if i comment that, memory doesn't increase. _
_graphicsLayer.Graphics[0].Symbol = polySymbol;
_graphicsLayer.Graphics[0].Geometry = ellipse;
And using stream statement, filestream is properly closed at the end, but used RAM keep increasing till app crashes, each time i update geometry symbol memory use is increased without free previous resources.