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Local Locator includes Streets in Suggestions

04-27-2017 10:30 AM
Deactivated User

We are building address search with auto suggest using v100 UWP. We are using a local locator.

We noticed that Streets are returned when we request a Suggestion from the LocatorTask. By this, I mean streets names without street numbers (e.g. 103rd St., 104 St.). We also see addresses in our Suggestion list (i.e. street number + street name).

The presence of Streets in Suggestion results causes a downstream issue because these Suggestions don't geocode. So, the user sees streets in the Suggestion list, but if they tap on one of these street names, they don't get a GeocodeResult, i.e. they don't get a 'hit'.

We have done a lot of checking client-side, and in the back-end locator configuration and data as well. Is there a way for me to filter the suggestion list in the client by type of suggestion? My first instinct is to somehow remove the 'Street' entries from the Suggestions... Does the behavior I described point to an improperly configured Locator on the back end? Any ideas how to continue narrowing this down? I haven't been the hands-on person in Desktop, is it possible to test Locator Suggestions in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro

Screen shot here:

Locator Sugges



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10 Replies
Emerging Contributor


I think that's the same problem I'm facing.

I'm using the "US address street" locator, I've checked all the locator option, the data, and evrything seems allright.

When I try the locator in a web app, the suggest part is working well (the street I'm searching is proposed) but when I'm clicking on the suggested street (so the findaddresscandidate operation in the rest api is used) and I've no result found.

I try some request on the rest API, with the findaddresscandidate operation.

For example, I'm searching "Rue Jean Jaures" in the city of "Wattrelos" with the zip code "59650"

When using the multiple field search, I fill the street and the city fields and the street is found.

When using the single line field, I've different behaviors.

  • with the value "rue jean jaures, wattrelos, 59650", the street is found
  • with the value "rue jean jaures, 59650", the street is found
  • with the value "rue jean jaures, wattrelos", there's no result!!!

Did you figure it out?

Or someone else have a solution?



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Deactivated User

Hi Mickaël,

To get a result with this single field text...  "rue jean jaures, wattrelos" .... I think you need to change the option in the locator to not require the postal code field.

Just to confirm, are you typing these in completely, or are you typing these in partially, then choosing from the suggestions?


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Emerging Contributor

Hi Cory,

The locator I've created is based on the US Address street (the file USAddress.lot), so I think the postal code is not required.

In the properties of the locator, in geocoding options, I tried with  "Match with no zones" value set to "No" (default value).

I've published this locator as a geocode service.

I used this service in a web app with the locator widget and the suggestions works fine.

When I'm typipng "rue jean Jaures, wattre", I get the suggestion "Rue Jean Jaures, Wattrelos", when I'm cliking on hit, I get no results found.

When I'm typipng "rue jean Jaures, wattrelos, 5965", I get the suggestion "Rue Jean Jaures, Wattrelos, 59650", when I'm cliking on it, I get a hit and the map zoom to the street.

I tried with "Match with no zones" value set to "Yes".

In this case, I've the same beahavior in the two previous example, but I've one more case:

When I'm typing "Rue jean Jaur", I get the suggesion "Rue Jean Jaures" and when I'm cliking on it, I get a hit and the map zoom to the street.

So I tried the same examples with rest api directly (/rest/services/wattrelos_routes_CreateAddre/GeocodeServer/findAddressCandidates, in the field "singleline"), and I get the same results as with the widget:

- a hit when typing the street name (with "Match with no zones" value set to "Yes")

- no results when typing the street name and city name (with either "Match with no zones" values)

- a hit when typing the street name, city name and postal code (with either "Match with no zones" values)

I find this behavior weird and I've no clue to solve it?


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Deactivated User

I’m seeing this exact behavior with the locator we created…

“When I'm typipng "rue jean Jaures, wattre", I get the suggestion "Rue Jean Jaures, Wattrelos", when I'm cliking on hit, I get no results found.”

…It is unexpected that Suggestions list includes streets (not addresses), but selecting one of those “street suggestions” gives “no results found” when I tap on it.

I happens to be in a Runtime app, and the locator happens to be local, but I’m not sure those are relevant differences to what you’re doing.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Cory,

I am not sure how you are getting the suggestions of the address from the local locator, according to the documentation, "Suggestions are currently only supported for locators published to ArcGIS Server." So even you enable the suggestions option while creating the locator, your local locator will not provide any suggested result but the published geocoding service will do. Hope that helps. Thanks

Creating an address locator—Help | ArcGIS Desktop --> #11


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Deactivated User

Hi Nagma,

Thanks for your reply and for pointing me to the ArcGIS Desktop help topic.

Can you confirm whether suggestions are supported in ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET based on a _local_ locator?

The Desktop topic seems to be referring to use of Locator within ArcGIS Desktop. We are doing something a little different: 1) creating locator, 2) creating runtime locator, 3) using runtime locator from ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET app.

Here are the doc links for steps 2) and 3):

It would be very helpful if you could confirm this pls.



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Esri Contributor

Hi Cory,

Could you check in ArcMap, whether your locator's property, "Support Suggestion" is true/or false. I don't find any local locator that has the option "true". 

In addition, you could try with the online geocoding service, "Locators/SanDiego (GeocodeServer)" for the San Diego area. In Runtime application I tried to get the suggestions for the street # 2920, it gives me result back with the street name with that street number. Here is the screen shot. Thanks

Suggestion Result for online geocoding service


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Deactivated User

Hi Nagma,

In runtime, based on my local .loc, LocatorTask.LocatorInfo.SupportsSuggestions = true. I am checking with someone on checking similar property for the source locator in ArcGIS Desktop.

In same runtime app, I have no problem using suggestions with these online locators:



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Deactivated User

Hi Nagma,

I've confirmed the source locator in Desktop. Supports Suggestions = true (same as the runtime locator).

This appears to be a bug, very least a doc bug. Are suggestions supported in runtime for local locators? We've built a nice type-ahead/auto-suggest address search UWP control, but it doesn't work with our local locator.


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