1- I have been able to load web tiles by following this tutorial: ArcGIS WebTiles
2- The default constructor, fetches and displays web tiles in WebMercator spatial reference.
3- As per my use case, I need to fetch and display these tiles in WGS 84 spatial reference, so that to avoid reprojection performance overhead (for my other rasters which I have in WGS84).
4- I have tried using the overloaded constructor, but to no avail. Can you guide me up on how to load the web tiles (link provided in arcgis tutorial) in WGS84?
I have tried using overloaded constructor like this:
string _templateUri = "https://stamen-tiles-{subdomain}.a.ssl.fastly.net/watercolor/{level}/{col}/{row}.jpg";
TileInfo tilesInfo= new TileInfo(96, TileImageFormat.Png, levelOfDetails, new MapPoint(-185, 85, SpatialReferences.WGS84), SpatialReferences.Wgs84, 256, 256);
WebTiledLayer myBaseLayer = new WebTiledLayer(_templateUri, tilesInfo, new Envelope(new MapPoint(-185, -85, SpatialReferences.WGS84),new MapPoint(185, 85, SpatialReferences.WGS84)));
Basemap layerBasemap = new Basemap(myBaseLayer);
Map myMap = new Map(layerBasemap);
MainMapView.Map = myMap;
For testing purposes,I have manually created levelOfDetails by this:
WebTiledLayer arcgisTutorialBaseLayer = new WebTiledLayer(_templateUri, _tiledLayerSubdomains);
List<LevelOfDetail> levelOfDetails = (List<LevelOfDetail>)arcgisTutorialBaseLayer.TileInfo.LevelsOfDetail;
The ability to use tiled basemaps in a specific spatial reference system depends on those services being available in that spatial reference. ArcGIS basemaps are available in both Web Mercator and WGS 84: