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Load ECW Raster with Local Server 100.14

06-09-2022 12:11 AM
Emerging Contributor

I have been using Local Server SDK 100.12 (with arcgisruntime.localservices package 100.12 version), and I was able to load .ecw files without a problem. 

When I upgraded to 100.14, suddenly my application became unable to load the ecw files. Then I checked the automatically created Deployment file (ArcGISLocalServer_100.14.AGSDeployment) and saw that there is no node with the id="ProECWRasters". ArcGISLocalServer_100.12.AGSDeployment file had this node. So I tried putting these lines manually into the deployment file (inside the child packages of the note with id="ProRaster"):


<!--Provides support for ECW format Raster.-->
<Package id="ProECWRasters" name="ECW Rasters" enabled="true" />


but the app still cannot load the ecw file. It does not raise any errors, just does nothing.

My question is, did something change for loading ECW files with Local Server 100.14? I was able to load with Local server 100.12 but now I cannot. What is the difference & what should I do in the code or in the deployment file to be able to load ecw files again? 

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6 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

I'll investigate this change and post an update as soon as I have more information. 

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Michael,

Has there been any development on the issue? I have tried this on different computers and the problem persists. ECW file cannot be loaded without an error. There also seems to be problems with loading rasters from file geodatabase using local server 100.14, whereas Local server 100.12 works fine. I will further analyze the file geodatabase problem to make sure, but at least the ecw porblem persists as I said. Any help is appreciated.

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Esri Frequent Contributor


A couple of questions:

Are the ECW raster datasets included in the map package (.mpkx) or referenced (i.e. maintained external to the map package)?

What version of ArcGIS Pro was used to create the map packages?



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Emerging Contributor


1- No, the ecw file is not included in the .mpkx file. I create a RasterSublayerSource with the path of the .ecw file, then create an ArcGISMapImageSublayer with it to add as a layer. 

2- I currently use ArcGIS Pro version 2.8 and the problem occurs when I use a mpkx created by this version. However I also tried using the sample "PointsofInterest.mpkx" file from the following example: ( Data link:  )  And the result is same: The same code and the same data works fine with Local Server 100.12 and doesn't work with Local Server 100.14.

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Esri Frequent Contributor


I've reproduced the issue (just using a map package referencing an ECW dataset on disk) and have opened an issue for further investigation. Unfortunately I was so far unable to find a workaround.



Emerging Contributor

Thanks, I will be waiting for any development / solution for the issue. 

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