Layer Transparency from Dynamic Map Service

12-04-2017 01:45 PM
Regular Contributor

I have a dynamic Map Service published in AGS with a Transparency value set for a layer. This Transparency value doesn't seem to automatically set the Layer's Opacity property in Runtime and I can't find the layer transparency value in the ServiceInfo in order to set the Opacity using that value. Any ideas?

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12 Replies
Regular Contributor

The transparent sublayer is the only layer in my dynamic service. I am attempting to display the service as an OperationalLayer on top of a map that has Basemap.CreateImagery() as the basemap.

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Emerging Contributor

Not sure we're clear here.  We have a landbase map layer as our base layer (0) and an operational layer (1) on top of the base layer.  Our operational layer has multiple point and linear feature sublayers, as well as a polygon sublayer.  The polygon sublayer isn't completely transparent, but has a transparency of 50% (see DrawingInfo in previous post).  We need to be able to see the landbase map layer through the polygon sublayer.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Are you both working on the same project? Or are you jumping on Michael's thread?

In any case, without being able to access the service and see your code, I can't very well guess what's wrong, which is why I suggest you use Fiddler to see what's really being requested, what's coming back etc. This stuff should work.

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