I added 2 different KML layers from a public website, they are showing correctly in the web viewer but in my application, one is not showing at all and one is showing only 3 items on a total of 50. I can see both layers in WebMapViewModel.OperationalLayers, IsVisible is true
Both KML are small (<200 kb)
Can someone help me with that?
Can you provide a repro with the layers that you are trying to use?
I just tried some random kml and they are working fine on the web viewer:
All other layer types are working fine
http://world.wildlife.adventures.googlepages.com/wildlife-national-parks-india.kml --> this is is not showing at all
http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/us_states.kml --> this one I can see 3 states on the map
_portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(m_portalServerUrl));
var item = await ArcGISPortalItem.CreateAsync(_portal, wmId);
var webmap = await WebMap.FromPortalItemAsync(item);
m_mapViewModel = await WebMapViewModel.LoadAsync(webmap, _portal);
var view = new MapView();
view.Map = m_mapViewModel.Map;
like I said, everything else is working.