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Issue loading .tpk in latest version (100.2)

06-19-2018 03:11 PM
Occasional Contributor

I have very large tile packages (6 GB or so) that load fine in the previous version of ArcGIS Runtime (10.2.X) but for some reason they do not seem to work in the latest version.  The issue seems to be that the tile packages do not have their tile info height and width set?  The tile cache is referenced properly and does not fail when I call .LoadAsync.  The failure occurs when I create a new tilelayer based on the TileCache Any suggestions are welcome!

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

they do not seem to work […] The failure occurs when I create a new tilelayer based on the TileCache 

Could you be more specific? What behavior, error, stack trace, etc are you seeing?

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Occasional Contributor

The exception message is  {"Invalid argument: tile info tile height must be larger than 0."} and it occurs at the bolded line below.  

                Dim theTileCache As New TileCache(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path & "\myTPK.tpk")
                Await theTileCache.LoadAsync
                Dim _tileLayer As ArcGISTiledLayer = New ArcGISTiledLayer(theTileCache)
                Dim newBasemap As New Basemap(_tileLayer)
                myMap.Basemap = newBasemap
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