Is there a way where we can select the geometry itself instead of the envelope to edit the geometry?
I am trying to let user draw only rectangle with SketchEditor. I want to allow resizing of length and width separately so, i have to use stretch resize mode. But, with that and rotation, one can make it a parallelogram since it selects the envelope and not the geometry itself.
Any help is appreciated.
You can pass SketchEditConfiguration to SketchEditor.StartAsync. Without this optional parameter, sketch editor will enable/disable certain editing capabilities based on the SketchCreationMode or geometry. While you've created a rectangle shape, it's still treated according to its type (Polygon) so all vertex editing and rotate which you may not want for your rectangle shape will be enabled by default.
<esri:MapView x:Name="MyMapView" GeoViewTapped="MyMapView_GeoViewTapped" />
<StackPanel VerticalAlignment="Top"
<Button Content="Draw"
Click="OnDraw" />
<Button Content="Complete"
Command="{Binding ElementName=MyMapView, Path=SketchEditor.CompleteCommand}" />
public MainWindow()
MyMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());
MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(new GraphicsOverlay() { Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Cross, Colors.DarkGreen, null)) });
private async void OnDraw(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var config = new SketchEditConfiguration()
AllowRotate = false,
AllowMove = false,
AllowVertexEditing = false,
ResizeMode = SketchResizeMode.Stretch
var geometry = await MyMapView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(SketchCreationMode.Rectangle, config);
MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.FirstOrDefault()?.Graphics?.Add(new Graphic(geometry));
catch (TaskCanceledException) { }
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name);
private async void MyMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.Controls.GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
Graphic graphic = null;
if (MyMapView.SketchEditor.CancelCommand.CanExecute(null))
var result = await MyMapView.IdentifyGraphicsOverlaysAsync(e.Position, 2, false);
graphic = result.FirstOrDefault()?.Graphics?.FirstOrDefault();
if (graphic == null)
graphic.IsVisible = false;
var config = new SketchEditConfiguration()
AllowRotate = false,
AllowMove = false,
AllowVertexEditing = false,
ResizeMode = SketchResizeMode.Stretch
var geometry = await MyMapView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(graphic.Geometry, SketchCreationMode.Rectangle, config);
graphic.Geometry = geometry;
catch (TaskCanceledException) { }
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name);
if (graphic != null)
graphic.IsVisible = true;
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for the response. I want to let the user rotate and resize but when resizing a rotated rectangle in stretch mode, it turns into a parallelogram. Is there a way for user to resize each side of rectangle, which might have been rotated, without making it lose its rectangle shape?
Oh I see, sorry I misunderstood. Rotate with scale cannot keep the rectangle shape but you can probably add your logic in SketchEditor.GeometryChanged event handler, perhaps? You have access to e.NewGeometry then and can do a check whether it's still rectangle shape and maybe call SketchEditor.ReplaceGeometry with the closest rectangle shape. I am not sure if there are any GeometryEngine methods (if any) that can help with those calculations, but I hope that helps.
MyMapView.SketchEditor.GeometryChanged += SketchEditor_GeometryChanged;
private void SketchEditor_GeometryChanged(object sender, GeometryChangedEventArgs e)
var geometry = e.NewGeometry;