I am using version 100.4 of the runtime.
I have an AGOL hosted feature layer that is set to track the creator and editors of a feature:
However, I cannot get these settings be respected when creating or editing features in a GeodatabaseFeatureTable. The fields are always empty. I was able to get this working with ServiceFeatureTables by setting the Credential property before adding or updating a feature, causing a token to be sent with the add/update request.
I have tried the following:
- Setting the Credential property on the OfflineMapSyncJob object that is returned from OfflineMapSyncTask.SyncOfflineMap. This throws an exception with a message saying to use the AuthenticationManager.
- Before syncing: Adding a Credential to the AuthenticationManager that matches the Geodatabase.Source property. I can see in fiddler that this causes a token to be sent with the request to FeatureServer/uploads/upload, but the creator/editor fields are still not set.
- Before creating the feature: Adding a Credential to the AuthenticationManager that matches the Geodatabase.Source property. Inspecting the feature that is returned from GeodatabaseFeatureTable.CreateFeature() shows that the creator/editor fields are empty.
Is it possible to set "Creator" and "Editor" fields when working with features in a GeodatabaseFeatureTable?
These fields will be set by the server, based on the user accessing the server.