For example, an air corridor shows a series of labels with empty values above it, like width, start DTG, etc... I just want the symbol with embedded labels, not the extra metadata.
For clarification, we are using ArcGIS Runtime .Net 10.2.7.
Does this article help?
Label map features—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET | ArcGIS for Developers
Thanks for the link, however this is specifically related to using the message processor on the message layer to create 2525C graphics. When add a tactical graphic using this message processor, it adds some extra labels that can be seen in the attached screenshot. Where you see Name, Width, Min Alt, Max Alt, DTG Start, DTG End... Can I remove these labels, and keep the AC in the actual corridor?
I don't believe these are labels, but are part of the 2525 symbol.
But you could try tweaking the GraphicsLayer.LabelProperties property.
We are using 10.2.7, and the messageLayer is a group Layer, with MessageSubLayers. There are no graphics layers to modify, unless you know where? Is there a way to affect the display of the 2525C symbol, as all the values are empty it really clutters the map when you have a bunch of them.