Using arcpy I create a locator and package it into an mmpk which is used as data for a Runtime SDK application. I want to change the geocoding offsets, but the only way I can see to do this is in ArcGIS Pro. Can this be done programmatically using either Python during the creation of the locator or using C# in the application itself?
Hey Dan,
I'm not sure about modifying the locator properties, but you could modify the offset used to display match results in your runtime app. In the match results, the GeocodeResult class provides a RouteLocation and a DisplayLocation. The RouteLocation is a map point along the reference network and the display location is the map point with the display offset applied. Before displaying a result, you could use these points to determine a new offset by doing something like moving the display point closer or further to the route point along a line drawn between them, for example.
Hope that helps, Thad
Thanks for the suggestion Thad. I think that's probably what I'll end up doing.
Hi Dan,
Currently it's not possible to modify the packaged locator properties via the ArcGIS Runtime API. In the future we are planning to support a version of ArcGIS Runtime Local Server that supports ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing packages (.gpkx). At that point it might be possible to re-use your Python script within a Pro GP package and execute that within the Local Server to modify the locator properties and repackage you .mmpk file.