Can someone provide detailed information on integrating with Telerik RadMap for WPF? It is easy enough to get going in a demo mode, but I have an account I want to use so that ArcGIS doesn't lock out my app or my ip address.
Please can you provide more information about what you're trying to build? (ArcGIS won't lock out your app or your IP address - but you should read Licensing and Deployment | ArcGIS for Developers to understand the development and deployment licensing requirements).
As a starting point I'd like to build something like the telerik map demo pictured here, using the telerik radmap control but also arcgis as a map data provider. I would also want it to authenticate to arcgis using a client id and client secret, as we are working on an app for widespread production use across our company.
If possible I would also like to be able to build in a vector graphic rendering mechanism so that I can have a hybrid satelite imagery/street map mode.
Are you asking for how to consume ArcGIS Online services in Telerik Radmap? That might be more of a question for Telerik, and it looks like they have some documentation for it: WPF Map | ArcGIS Online Map Provider | Telerik UI for WPF
Since this question is posted in the ArcGIS Runtime for .NET forum, have you considered using the ArcGIS Runtime WPF control instead, since that has native integration with ArcGIS Online Services (vector and satellite), as well as support for Bing Maps and OpenStreetmap
I mention Telerik for context, but my focus has more to do with how to integrate with ArcGIS through web services in a best practices fashion. I am exploring the runtime, but the case has to be made within my organization for that investment.
I'd suggest you start with the sample app to get an idea about the bits and pieces available in the API. You can get it from the store:
Full source also available here: arcgis-runtime-samples-dotnet
Another good starting point is the getting started guides in the doc: