currently I am trying to implement popups for an Windows Mobile 10 UWP Application.
I saw the simple popup sample Popups in ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET from Antti Kajanus.
This is working fine, when starting the application on the mobile emulator. But when deploying the applicaton to the Windows 10 Mobile the popup is not shown at all.
The Identify works fine, the feature will be selected, there is no error at all, but the popup is not shown.
Any idea what could be the reason? Maybe problems with z-value, but why is it working fine on the emulator.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks. I finally managed to track this down after lots of head-scratching. It turns out this is a bug in the ARM JIT compiler: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/12503
This specific bug breaks LocationToScreen which the callout logic relies on.
On the up-side: If you build in release build (which uses the .NET Native compiler instead of JIT), the problem goes away. So this is really only an issue while debugging a debug version of your app.
Does the new 100.1 built-in callout work for you? It's a much simpler way to display popups:
new MapPoint(0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84),
new UI.CalloutDefinition("Center of the world"));
MapView.ShowCalloutAt(p, new CalloutDefinition(geoElement));
MapView.ShowCalloutAt(p, new CalloutDefinition("Hallo"));
The behavior is reproducible:
[BUG-000107699 : MapView.ShowCalloutAt doesn't place the Callout at the defined MapPoint when running on Windows Phone]
Thanks. I finally managed to track this down after lots of head-scratching. It turns out this is a bug in the ARM JIT compiler: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/12503
This specific bug breaks LocationToScreen which the callout logic relies on.
On the up-side: If you build in release build (which uses the .NET Native compiler instead of JIT), the problem goes away. So this is really only an issue while debugging a debug version of your app.