I can't seem to find a way using the API to identify a layer that is not in a geoview. The specific use case is there is some calculation I need to perform based on a raster dem pixel value and some additional data in a polygon feature layer. I capture user click location and can easily get the intersecting polygon from the feature layer using a query, but the raster seems like I need to perform an identify to get the pixel value. The raster is NOT in the map, nor do I want it to be. I guess my questions are: If I need a pixel value from a raster... is identify the only way? If identify is the mechanism... it seems like that is only a method on a geoview. I don't see a way to identify just the raster layer even though that is a capability of the image service itself. Thanks in advance!
Which ArcGIS Runtime .NET API(s) are you using? (UWP, WPF, Android, and/or iOS)
I'm using 100.2.1 for WPF.
Did you look at GetElevationAsync for the Surface class?
Nope, I was focused on RasterLayer since it seemed like the more generic route to getting a pixel value at an X,Y location. I'll check this out. Is there a corollary to GetElevationAsync if the raster I want to query isn't actually a DEM? Just trying to understand the API a bit better.... Thanks in advance
Not at this point no,