My requirement is to have spaital reference with User Defined Coordinate System ?? I am from India , and the rquirement is to add projection system of Indian Grid System (IGRS) . I went through the documentation
Spatial references—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET | ArcGIS for Developers , but I am unable to understand how to achieve it, Can anyone help me with some example or some kind of help ?? Thanks in advance
If custom coordinate systems are supported at all, you would probably have to use it via a WKT (well-known text) string. Can you post the information for it:
geographic coordinate system / datum (+ ellipsoid)
map projection
linear units
I have a .prj (projection file) , which contains well known text. Will it be sufficient?
string wkt = File.ReadAllText(PATH_TO_PRJ_FILE);
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReference.Create(wkt);