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how to Use LERC encoded tiles in a local tile package as an elevation source?

07-07-2017 01:02 AM
Deactivated User

In 100.1, can Use LERC encoded tiles in a local tile package as an elevation source, and how the data is made, I've made a TPK, but I haven't seen the ups and downs of the terrain, why?

The test data is uploaded to the attachment.

My code is as follows;

string tileCachePath = @"D:\runtime\SanFrancisco.tpk";
TileCache tileCache = new TileCache(tileCachePath);
elevationSrc = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(tileCache);
elevationSrc.Loaded += ElevationSrc_Loaded;

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Your code looks correct, but your tile package (.tpk) file doesn't seem valid. If you follow these instructions you should be able to create a LERC TPK that can be used as an elevation surface. Make sure you use the right tiling scheme in the Manage Tile Cache tool so that the elevation data comes through.

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