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How to load a map via ArcGISPortal in a Xamarin Forms solution

01-27-2017 11:45 PM
Deactivated User

My goal is to create a Xamarin Forms app that can load web maps from ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Portal.

  • I installed the Visual Studio Extension
  • I installed the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET.
  • I created an AcrGIS Runtime App (Xamarin.Forms.Shared) project
  • I ran through some demos and can bring up maps with a variety of base maps.

 I found instructions in Work with web maps, but these instructions are for the 10.2.7 version and I am trying to run the 100.0 version. 

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1 Reply
Deactivated User

Here is the link to the guide that covers the topic. Make sure that you use lastest documentation when working with Xamarin.

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