For some weeks, there was the Xamarin beta SDK that I used for accessing feature layers on a feature service stored in the ArcGIS online server.
I used the following command in my Xamarin code to get a ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo class from where I could enumerate the available layers, and also get the full extent of the set of layers:
ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo gisInfos = await ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.CreateAsync(new Uri("http://services7.arcgis.com/...../FeatureServer"));
But with the last release of the SDK.NET, the CreateAsync method has disappeared and I did not found until now a way to retrieve this class (that still exists) from the FeatureService url.
Can someone help me resolving this problem ?
ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo is no longer createable by itself. You can create s ServiceFeatureTable and load it, and it'll have the service information available on it.
Hi Morten,
Sorry, but the ServiceTableInfo can only be filled by an instance of FeatureServerLayer.
So with URL like http://...../FeatureSever/xxx
If I try to initiate a ServiceTableInfo from the following url and try to LoadAsync, I get an invalid JSON error.
One use of such url is to know for exemple how many layers are stored on the FeatureServer ? What is the extent of all the layers ? This information is available when I navigate to the URL...why cannot get map to the FeatureServiceInfo class ? Should I do the thing by hand using JSON deserializer ?
Aaah right. Sorry I misread and thought of the ArcGISFeatureServiceLayerInfo. There's currently not a way to create this type in code.
Wrt to loading server info, ie browsing the rest services to do various types of service discovery: This is on our road-map, but not currently something we had in the API.
You might want to take a look at this project which achieves that: GitHub - davetimmins/ArcGIS.PCL: Use ArcGIS Server REST resources without an official SDK.
Morten, this was mentioned to be on the road-map. Any update on this? I would like to access the service the same way. Essentially, I just want to get information about the feature service as a whole (i.e., # of layers contained in the whole service). Is there any way to do this? Seems pretty essential, maybe I'm missing something?
Sorry I don't have anything specifically to announce at this point. We do have the `ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo` class that represents that, but the only to create that currently is by creating a GeodatabaseSyncTask and gets its ServiceInfo property, but I think this might fail if the service doesn't support offline sync.
Thanks Morten. That is useful to know. The only other way I found was to include a second URI (or append the first) that ends in /MapService and create a ArcGISMapImageLayer and read the LayerInfos off of that. I'll see which one works best.
Any progress on this issue? I did not find any sample how to obtain the ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo starting with a portal item representing a feature service. Our customer is querying the portal items and wanted to access the contained feature layers from the underlying feature service. There is a need for creating a ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo from portal item.
So this is still not possible with ArcGIS Runtime 100.6?