Is there any provision to create Dictionary Renderer of your own ?
I don't want to use the mil255d or any of the specifications provided. I want to create DictioaryRenderer of my own symbols. How can I achieve this ? Please anyone help with something ??
You'd use ArcGIS Pro to author the .stylex files: Styles—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
Yes I created the file using ArcPro , but I am not able to render it
automatically depending on the attribute values of feature as in case of
dictionary renderer. How can I achieve such kind of functionality ? I want
to create my own dictionary renderer and give attribute values to each
symbol so that it automatically gets rendered to the respective feature. ?
Hi ,
The stylex created using symbols from ArcPro , works perfectly fine. My requirement is to use symbols from .svg files and use them in stylex file .
How can I achieve this ?
ArcGIS Pro's symbol designer supports importing SVG files.
Is there any link for documentation of the above symbol designer ? I am unable to find information about it ?
I am able to add svg's in .stylex file , but when I try to use the symbols in arcgis runtime app, the symbols created from svg's do not get render but the symbols that were predefined in Arc Pro render successfully.
How should I resolve this ?