In the following code on SDK on an IOS device, FullExtent is populated to 180, 90, -180, -90 which does not really help when you're trying to zoom to a layer.
FullExtent for this layer should be returning 18.8404922485352, -33.0619621276855, 18.8464298248291, -33.0554275512695
The KMZ layer loads and displays on the SceneView no problem.
The below code snippet results in:
2020-02-12 07:08:50.546 PrecisionView[779:912352] Extent: Xmax 180, Ymax 90, Xmin -180, Ymin -90
As a workaround, I'm having to load and read the coordinates from the actual file which is an unnecessary performance hit.
Is FullExtent not populating a known bug or what am I missing to get FullExtent of a layer to populate correctly?
bool extenthasvalues = false;
Console.WriteLine("Loading layer...");
await Layer.Layer.Dataset.LoadAsync(); // Wait for layer data to load in
var extent = Layer.Layer.FullExtent;
Console.WriteLine("Extent: Xmax {0}, Ymax {1}, Xmin {2}, Ymin {3}", extent.XMax, extent.YMax, extent.XMin, extent.YMin);
if (extent.XMax != 180) // Addressing bug in Arcgis
r.maxLatitude = extent.XMax;
r.maxLongitude = extent.YMax;
r.minLatitude = extent.XMin;
r.minLongitude = extent.YMin;
extenthasvalues = true;
if (!extenthasvalues)
Console.WriteLine("Fullextent has no values. Getting coordinates from {0}...", Layer.UriPath);
if (Layer.Coordinates == null)
Layer.Coordinates = LoadCoordinatesFromUri(Layer);
r = KML.GetRange(Layer.Coordinates);
Can you share the KMZ so we can take a look?
Is the extent you expected defined in the KML inside the KMZ?
Hi Morten,
Here's a link to the KMZ file:
Thanks for any assistance!
What version of the API are you using?