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Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UWP 100.0.0 for Windows 8.1

12-12-2016 10:47 AM
Occasional Contributor


I'd like to know if we're goint to have API 100.0 for UWP 8.1 platform or if Esri is going to correct the bugs found in version 10.2.7.

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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

We have no plans to support 8.1 with v100+.

Are the bugs you're referring logged with support?

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Occasional Contributor

Here: Create Replica from FeatureService with Basic authentication on Windows Phone, Return error 404 

That's the issue. I thought that 100.0 API was going to solve it. But it doesn't

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Esri Notable Contributor

From my understanding of that thread that was a UWP app you were building which was stated wasn't' fully supported. I also know WinPhone 8.1 had several authentication issues which was out of our hands to resolve (which I believe was resolved at the OS level of Win10)

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