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Drag a Graphic (WPF 100.5)

09-17-2019 11:56 AM
Emerging Contributor

Our WPF app has multiple windows one of which hosts a map control with graphics drawn on it.  I was investigating being able to drag a graphics from the the map and drop on another window (each graphic has custom data that we want to show in another window).

The control has a DragEnter event but it never seems to fire.  I tried setting IsPanEnabled to false but the event still does not fire.  I could use the mouse events but I want to set the drop data in DragEnter and drop it on another window that is looking for the standard Windows drop events.

Is there not a "standard" way to drag a graphic and enable Windows drag/drop?

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

WPF's drag events applies to classes that inherits from UIElement, which Graphic does not, so you can't really use those events to drag the graphics themselves.

You can read more about WPF's drag/drop API here: Drag and Drop Overview | Microsoft Docs 

You could probably use that to "fake" the effect of dragging a graphic to another window.

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