I need to automate the process of creating runtime geodatabase. I have a working model which use the Create Runtime Content tool. It works without any errors.
I exported this model to python script and it failed to execute.
So I tried to run that model from toolbox by using arcpy.ImportToolbox and it still wouldn't execute.
If I just copy this line arcpy.CreateRuntimeContent_management("C:\\Jana\\final.mxd", "C:\\Jana\\MobileData", "", "", "DEFAULT", "FEATURE_AND_TABULAR_DATA", "NON_OPTIMIZE_SIZE", "ONLINE", "PNG", "1", "") into python window in ArcCatalog it worked fine without any errors.
This is my stand-alone script for running the model:
import arcpy
except arcpy.ExecuteError:
My toolbox alias is "Jana" and model name (as well as label) is "Content". I have also try to use arcpy.Content_Jana with the same "Failed to execute".
Any thoughts?
the import toolbox line should have double backslashes, single foreslashes or an r in front of it for raw formatting a single backlash is interpreting the next character as an escape sequence. It is a python thing
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your reply.
I have copied wrong version but I had tried also with “r” and with double back slashes and single front slashes before. It’s not causing the issues. The error is the same “Error executing function” no matter which slashes I use.
Maybe someone from https://community.esri.com/community/developers/gis-developers/python can answer this one?
I can see that you're running your code against the 64-bit install of python. I'd be curious to find out if your code works against the 32-bit install of python. I won't be able to test this against the 64-bit install until Monday, but everything works fine on my machine.
Could you try running the attached script? I've included a map package that the code can run against to create the runtime content. I've pasted the code below as well. The code is designed to extract a map document from the map package and use it to create the runtime content.
import arcpy import subprocess from os import path, walk def ExtractMpk(mpkPath): outFolder = mpkPath.replace(".mpk", "_extracted") if arcpy.Exists(outFolder): arcpy.management.Delete(outFolder) arcpy.management.ExtractPackage(mpkPath, outFolder) mxdPaths = [] for root, dirs, files in walk(outFolder): for name in files: if name.endswith(".mxd"): return path.join(root, name) return None def ValidateMxd(mxdPath, filler="Test"): mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath) empty = (None, "", " ") for attr in ("author", "credits", "description", "summary", "tags", "title"): if getattr(mxd, attr).strip() in empty: setattr(mxd, attr, filler) naLayer = False for df in arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd): if df.description.strip() in empty: df.description = filler for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, data_frame=df): if lyr.description.strip() in empty: lyr.description = filler if lyr.isNetworkAnalystLayer: naLayer = True mxd.save() return naLayer def CreateRtContent(mxdPath, naLayer=False): outFolder = mxdPath.replace(".mxd", "_rtc") if arcpy.Exists(outFolder): arcpy.management.Delete(outFolder) params = {"extent":"MAXOF", "optimize":"NON_OPTIMIZE_SIZE", "options":"FEATURE_AND_TABULAR_DATA"} if naLayer: params["options"].extend(["NETWORK_DATA"]) arcpy.management.CreateRuntimeContent(mxdPath, outFolder, **params) # Open the folder where the runtime content is created. subprocess.Popen("explorer {0}".format(outFolder)) if __name__ == "__main__": srcPath = path.dirname(__file__) mpkPath = path.join(srcPath, "MapPackage.mpk") # Extract the included map package mxdPath = ExtractMpk(mpkPath) # Validate the map document naLayer = ValidateMxd(mxdPath) # Create Runtime Content CreateRtContent(mxdPath, naLayer)
Hi Freddie,
You’re right.
I have installed pywin32 (32 bit) and it works. It also works in pyscripter but I needed pywin to be able to automate it in task scheduler.
Thanks a lot.
In task scheduler are you explicitly setting the 32 bit python executable to run your script or are you using the default for the system? I would highly suggest that you explicitly set the python executable if your default isn't the 32bit instance. I'm assuming the default on your machine is the 64 bit instance.
I'm explicitly setting the 32 bit python to run it. It didn't work with the default 64 bit instance.