I have an offline app that was originally created with ArcEngine. This app runs on a Windows computer and it is not connected to the internet to run the app only to update that data once a day. I would like to update my app seeing that ArcEngine will be retireing in a couple of years. I would like to create something similar but with current software. I was thinking of using ArcGIS Runtime SDK .net but I’m open to any suggestions. I'm a new beginer when it comes to developing if anyone can offer any suggestions on how I could learn more about creating something like this or any suggestions on useing a different platform that might be better please let me know. I've looked at a lot of ESRI tutorials, YouTube.
Thanks, Chris
Can you fill us in on what an optimal version of your envisioned application would be? I.E. does it only update the data once a day in a stand alone database at midnight and that is all it needs to do, or is that what it does now, but optimally it would be better if a user on a smart phone could trigger the update from the field? When the data is updated do you want apps across the enterprise to be able to see it real time, or is it just used for one purpose and is fine on an isolated stand-alone computer? Stuff like that...
Thanks for responding. The optimal version is an app that is offline this is for Emergency Manangement so if we loose internet in a natureal disaster they still have their data and be able to access the program. They are going to have a hard time remembering to turn on and off from taking the app offline. Yes, the app that I need to update only updates once a day and that works perfectly for them. The data comes from our Enterprise but it does not have to be real time.
Hi Chris,
Resources for building offline apps:
You might also take a look at AppStudio https://developers.arcgis.com/documentation/app-templates-and-builders/appstudio/
See also an example/demo .NET app for offline workflows https://github.com/Esri/data-collection-dotnet