Hello i have a WPF application that was running with esri version 200.0 and net version 6.0
After we upgraded to net version 8 and esri version 200.3 im getting the following exception (after calling ArcGitRuntimeEnviroment.Initialize()):
Could not load ArcGis Runtime(RuntimeCoreNet200_3.dll) or one of it dependencies Ensure "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable" is installed with inner exception : Unable to load DLL "RuntimeCoreNet200_3.dll" or one of it dependencies: the specified module could not be found(0x8007007E)
And when i checked the AcGisRuntime200.3 folder all i see the resources folder(the .dll file seems to be missing)
I have tried the following solutions Solution 1 Solution 2
im using the following nugets
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Hydography 200.3
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.WPF 200.3
Esri.ArcGISRuntime 200.3
window version 1809(OS build 17763.5458)
First thing to note is we require minimum Windows build 19044 in 200.3 (19041+ SDK).
Could you share what you have in your csproj file? Are you overriding runtime identifiers or Platform/PlatformTarget in that project?
If you use our project templates and create an ArcGIS WPF project, does that work and how does it differ from your project?
when i use the project template is working fine
i the only think(?) that is different the ".deps.json" is different, in my project the relevant dlls are missing from there(my project is a class library project)
Also in my project i have the following
when i copied the above to the template project it didnt affected the result(worked fine)
> my project is a class library project
I don't quite understand that then, since you can't run a class library project. I assume there's an app project in the end?
Of course there is an app project at the end
already solved by referencing Esri runtime 200.3 at the main project
Yes you need to transitively reference the runtime. That's normally taken care of if you distribute your library as a nuget package, but if you just reference the assembly, you'll need to also reference the dependency.