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Circle/Ellipse Altitude & Orientation in the SceneView

07-21-2022 04:27 AM
Occasional Contributor

Is there a way to display a 3D circle graphic in the sceneview, in a certain altitude (elevation), without lifting up the GraphicOverlay?

I can render polyline graphics in the scene in certain elevation, I can set the points' Z property and the polyline goes up accordingly. However, when I create a Circle graphic using GeometryEngine.EllipseGeodesic or  GeometryEngine.BufferGeodetic, I cannot set the object's height in the Z axis. [if there is another way to draw circle (not marker, a scaling 3D object) in the sceneview besides the Ellipse and Buffer methods, I can try that too]. I can set the center of the ellipse object using a MapPoint object that contains Z property, but the ellipse or the buffer does not use this info, the resulting graphic object just stays in the ground (Z=0).

To solve this, I can render the circle graphic in a separate GraphicOverlay and then set the overlay.SceneProperties.AltitudeOffset property to the Z value I want. However, I wonder if there is another solution. Is there a way to set the altitude of the circle graphic directly, not depending on the overlay? I may also want to change the orientation of the circle in the Z axis, for example if I want to render a vertical circle, how can I achieve this? changing the altitude of the overlay does not solve this problem.


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