I am working with .NET SDK v100.9 on a project. There is a visualization performance drop on a basic application when app enters fullscreen. The app loads, as a basemap, only a url from ArcGIS Server 10.7.1. The url loaded is a WMTS that has been cached with this levels: 4M, 2M, 1M, 500K, 250K, 100K, 64K, 32K, 16K, 8K, 4K, 2K and 1K.
Navigation performance in fullscreen (resolution 3840x2160) starts to be very poor, performing fast mouse wheel moves (zoomin/zooout). The performace is good if only Pan is doing.
If I resize the app window decreasing it, the navigation performance seems to be better as the window size is getting smaller.
I tried creating several services with different tile sizes from 128x128 to 1024x1024. 256x256 seems to be the better option.
During the navigation in fullscreen ArcGIS Server machine memory and cpu are quite low. Application process in the windows client machine reaches 25% of CPU, when the tiles are not rendering properly fast.
Are there any tunings I can make to adjust the performance?
App code attached
Hi Michael,
I have configured that parameter but it seems nothing get better, the feeling is that tiles continue getting stucked, . I attach a video that shows this bad user experience.
Thank you for the video. That's helpful to understand the problem. It appears this isn't a "poor navigation performance" issue, as the framerate and navigation stays responsive. The issue appears to be that data is slow to download and display, but while tiles aren't loaded the map control stays responsive wrt panning and zooming, correct?
So this is more likely a networking issue - that either your network or your server is not able to deliver tiles to the app fast enough.
Hi Morten,
Thank you for your response.
The problem occurs only when zooming, not panning.
My environment is a single machine where ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 is installed and the cache is stored locally in C: (SSD).
The ArcGIS Runtime .NET App is executed in the same machine so there is no network lag.
Also, the ArcGIS Server WMTS Service that I'm testing in the aplication is not experiencing any CPU o RAM overload when the aplication start to render very slow as the video attached shows.
In addintion, if I test the aplication in a 1920x1080 the performance is fine. As I make the screen bigger, the tiles begin to take time to render.
Any other customer of cause of use with large screen size (3840x2160)? Could this be the expected behavior working with this screen resolution?
Any other help would be appreciated.