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arcgis runtime app crashes after loading local Elevation

09-13-2018 07:27 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi experts,

I am using arcgis runtime .net 100.2.1. My WPF application with arcgis runtime crashes frequrently after loading my local elevation file. the crash happens when zooming in/out, or rotating the scene, is this a known issue and any ideas to avoid the crash?

below is my main steps to create the scene:

1,load the local slpk

Uri treespk = new System.Uri(slpkPath);
var sceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer();
// add the scene layer to the scene
sceneLayer.Source = treespk;

2,load the local elevation file with "tif" suffix.

var elevationSource = new RasterElevationSource(myFiles);

// Add elevationSource to BaseSurface's ElevationSources

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Can you check if updating to v100.3 will still cause a crash? If it's still reproducible with latest, do you mind sharing repro code/data? Thank you.

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for your quick reply.

Today I upgrade to v100.3 and yes the crash is gone.However, my scene layer is invisible when it's there when I was using v100.2.1,could you give me some idea on how to fix? Below is my code snippet to load my local slpk as an ArcGISSceneLayer:

Uri treespk = new System.Uri(slpkPath);
var sceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer();
// add the scene layer to the scene
sceneLayer.Source = treespk;
sceneLayer.Loaded += SceneLayer_Loaded;
//await sceneLayer.LoadAsync();

By the way, the SceneLayer_Loaded is invoked so I am sure the sceneLayer is loaded without any error, just not visible.

I try to load the same local slpk via arcgis earth v1.6.1, it's visible on the earth.

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