When will Esri release a beta for the ArcGIS Quartz for UWP? When is this expected to be completed?
In addition, I really enjoyed the ArcGIS Portal Viewer for the Windows Store that has been made available in GitHub.
I am also very happy that the source code was made available to us.
However, I was wondering if Esri plans to upgrade this viewer for the UWP and if this will come with the release of the Quartz for UWP.
I would be very happy if Esri decided to port the existing viewer to UWP and that more functionality was added into the builder. Having the viewer available in github is great as we would be able to fork, clone and leverage the application. We could then re-deploy in the Windows Store to suit our own requirements.
In time, we could also contribute with more controls to the platform.
Please update the Viewer for UWP it is a really great addition.
Many thanks,
Jose Sousa
Hi Jose,
We currently plan to release a public Quartz beta of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET in late Q2 2016. It will contain two APIs, Desktop (WPF) and Universal (UWP). Glad to hear you've enjoyed the Portal Viewer demo\sample. We do not have any current plans to update the Portal Viewer to use the Universal API in the Quartz release. I've seen your pull request with updates to the Portal Viewer, which is great block of work. Thank you! We'll consider updating in the near future.
Unfortunately the Windows Store API in ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.7 for .NET is not supported for use in Store 8.1 apps on Windows 10 or in Windows 10 UWP apps due to the following:
That said, you can choose to use the 10.2.7 Store API in a Windows 10 UWP app for prototyping. Although we won’t be able to certify it, it should function apart from the limit mentioned above.
Hi Rex,
Thanks heaps for your comprehensive reply. Really appreciated.
I have been successfully side loading apps for both Surface Pros and Windows Desktops using the runtime. It was crashing a lot in the beginning and it took a while to figure out what was causing the issue as things would work great in debug but fail in release mode due to the .NET Native Compiler. I hope MS improves this as the experience in debug and release should be the same.
I am fine for now with the limitation of not being able of building apps for Mobile or the Windows Store as long as the side load works great for Tablets and Desktops which seems to be the case for now but I understand that you cannot certify it. Looking forward for the beta Quartz release in Q2.
Thanks again for your comment.